

First page of the report.

Designing an Emerging Adult Justice Track in Manhattan’s Felony Alternative to Incarceration Court: Principles and Practices

Lael Chester, Maya Sussman

Life During COVID for Court-Involved People

Samantha Plummer, Timothy Ittner, Angie Monreal, Jasmin Sandelson, Bruce Western

Promising Practices: Pre-Arraignment Diversion for Emerging Adults

Noor Toraif and Lael Chester


Emerging Adults Incarcerated at Rikers Island: An Overview

Emerging Adults Incarcerated at Rikers Island: An Overview

Lael Chester, Soraya Shri-Pathman, Maya Sussman
Cover of report: The Women’s Center for Justice: A New Vision for Women in NYC Jails

The Women’s Center for Justice: A New Vision for Women in NYC Jails

Mental health disparities in solitary confinement

Jessica T. Simes, Bruce Western, Angela Lee
Criminalizing poverty: The consequences of court fees in a randomized experiment (cover page)

Criminalizing poverty: The consequences of court fees in a randomized experiment

Devah Pager, Rebecca Goldstein, Helen Ho, and Bruce Western
Clustering of health burdens in solitary confinement: A mixed-methods approach (cover image)

Clustering of health burdens in solitary confinement: A mixed-methods approach

Jaquelyn Jahn, Nicolette Bardele, Jessica Simes, and Bruce Western
Violence, criminalization & punitive excess (cover image)

Violence, criminalization & punitive excess

Bruce Western and Sukyi McMahon


Solitary confinement and institutional harm (cover image)

Solitary confinement and institutional harm

Bruce Western, Jessica Simes, and Kendra Bradner
Inside the box: Safety, health, and isolation in prison (cover image)

Inside the box: Safety, health, and isolation in prison

Bruce Western
The population prevalence of solitary confinement (cover image)

The population prevalence of solitary confinement

Hannah Pullen-Blasnik, Jessica Simes, and Bruce Western
Respect Brief Cover Art: A Necessary Element of Justice Contact with Emerging Adults

Respect: A Necessary Element of Justice Contact with Emerging Adults

Jamie J. Fader & Dijonée Talley
The cumulative risk of jail incarceration (cover image)

The cumulative risk of jail incarceration

Bruce Western, Jaclyn Davis, Flavien Ganter, and Natalie Smith
The Enormous Cost of Parole Violations in New York

The Enormous Cost of Parole Violations in New York

Tyler Nims, Kendra Bradner, Johnna Margalotti, Zachary Katznelson, and Vincent Schiraldi
Community-Based Alternatives to Incarceration for Youth

Community-Based Alternatives to Incarceration for Youth


Specialized Parole and Resentencing Laws for Emerging Adults

Specialized Parole and Resentencing Laws for Emerging Adults: New and proposed reforms in CA, IL, CO, D.C., FL

Natalie Behr
More Work to Do

More Work to Do: Analysis of Probation and Parole in the United States, 2017-2018

Kendra Bradner, Vincent Schiraldi, Natasha Mejia, and Evangeline Lopoo
Two Months Later

Two months later: Outcomes of the March 27th order to release people jailed for technical violations during the pandemic

Vincent Schiraldi
Racial Inequities in New York Parole Supervision

Racial Inequities in New York Parole Supervision

Kendra Bradner and Vincent Schiraldi


Moving Beyond Youth Prisons: Lessons from New York City’s Implementation of Close to Home

Moving Beyond Youth Prisons: Lessons from New York City’s Implementation of Close to Home

Emerging Adult Justice in Illinois: Towards an Age-Appropriate Approach

Emerging Adult Justice in Illinois: Towards an Age-Appropriate Approach

Selen Siringil Perker
Lael E.H. Chester
Vincent Schiraldi
Wisconsin Community Corrections Story

Wisconsin Community Corrections Story

Jarred Williams, Vincent N. Schiraldi, and Kendra Bradner
The Challenge of Criminal Justice Reform

The Challenge of Criminal Justice Reform

Bruce Western

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