December 13, 2022
A new report from Columbia Justice Lab’s Youth Justice Initiatives, Process Matters: Reflections from the Development of Harris County’s Youth Justice Community Reinvestment Fund and Recommendations to Guide Future Efforts, describes how Harris County created a first-of its-kind Youth Justice Reinvestment Fund in Texas earlier this year. The Reinvestment Fund concept emerged in the summer of 2020, as government stakeholders and community providers reflected on how to provide youth in the County’s most highly incarcerated areas with access to needed community-based supports and services. This report details the context, process, and challenges of the work, as well as Harris County's successes to date and lessons for other jurisdictions looking to transform youth justice through reinvestment funds and community-based support for youth.
Read the full report here.
Read the executive summary here.
Read the brief here.
Read the press release here.