
One of the first people to die of COVID-19 in New York City’s notorious Rikers Island jail system was

On October 20, 2020, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released a new study entitled Decarcerating Correcti

We are excited to welcome Gladys Carrión as the newest addition to the Justice Lab, joining our Youth Justice Initiatives team as an Adjunct Resear

Read the full statement here.

Policymakers often talk about the problem of recidivism.

A group of over 60 former and current parole and probation executives are setting out to overhaul the current system of community supervision with

Our Co-Director, Bruce Western discusses his new book in which he followed 122 formerly incarcerated people for one year after they were released f

Keeping people from going back to prison after they get out has long been a way to measure success in the American criminal justice system.

Bruce Western, author of Homeward: Life in the Year after Prison, discusses the importance of social integration to criminal justice - bri

In conversation with Matt Watkins, Bruce Western talks about criminal justice as social justice, and how the historically punitive system continues

Criminal justice reforms will depend on healing this population group too frequently left out of the equation.